Baseball91's Weblog

November 2, 2009

Elections & Tailgating at TCF Stadium

It can happen in Minneapolis. It will happen here. In October in Madison, Wisconsin Mayor Dave Cieslewicz had proposed city budget cuts that would have closed five of the city’s eight ice skating rinks this winter. It was the system.

The system. As on display with the parking system at the new TCF Stadium. When only parking lots sanctioned by the Minneapolis City Council with their zoning laws, open to tail-gating. Local parking lots were shut down on game day, as part of the system, as designed and enforced by the Minneapolis City Council. When elected politicians lost touch with the real world.

The system. The system, with mayors like in Madison. In Madison, where Mayor Cieslewicz was forced to back off his proposal to close those five city ice skating rinks this winter. Only after the uproar. It can happen in Minneapolis. In Minneapolis, where it actually has been proposed to have the Minneapolis City Council take over the sovereignty of the parks.

Steve BARLAND, dedicated to preserving the independent park board model to protect what has been offered at the parks in the past. Leaving the cornerstone in Minneapolis intact in hard times. As center of neighborhoods, with day care, music for pre-schoolers, youth development, and senior card clubs. The parks.

With green spaces left long ago within a city. These markers to ensure the parks would long endure. For the people. Parks. Those set asides with active use. BARLAND. Of the people, and for parks dedicated to the proposition that all men, all women, are created equal. BARLAND, who was running, who had come to dedicate his time that a portion of those fields would long endure. In the upcoming era which will be all about closings. And budgets.

BARLAND, dedicated to the proposition that the heart of our community is the recreation center as a gathering place to meet and play. Places to take classes or to play.

Steve Barland, championing the form follows function philosophy, after witnessing the power of recreational activities in lives. Life-long learning places about what really counts in a community, and then teaching the next generation. Learning at rec centers the lessons from your neighbors.

It is altogether fitting and proper that you should vote. And vote BARLAND. With his vow to vote to never close a single recreation center. Here was the Park Board Commissioner candidate whose well stated belief was to leave parks open as always, promoting increased participation in youth sports, as well as adult and senior programs. When difficult decisions about budget cuts arrive, Steve Barland as the 5th District Park Board Commissioner means a referee making calls to not only keep rec centers open.

The new world order and that system of the new world order. Politicians and the good old endorsement system, which prevented real people from wanting to get involved in the system. The new world order when regular working stiffs quit seeking public office. In a world with those political endorsements and connections. Until politicians lost touch with the real world. Like in Madison, Wisconsin. With candidates who did not quite understand quality of life came from having parks open. Or in St. Paul where city-run youth centers were expected to be reduced from 41 to a 25 in 2010. It can happen in Minneapolis. If you want a park board to resemble the Minneapolis City Council and their system, as demonstrated by the way the parking situation is handled at the new TCF stadium….well, it all started on election day.

For the next Board Commissioners dealing with budgets, the unfinished work of the parks begins. I want a commissioner with a direct connection with park and recreation leagues, and to the people who participated. I want a commissioner who remembered. Someone who was real. Someone who was of the people, for the people. Steve Barland as the 5th District Park Board Commissioner.
The system. It all started on election day. Now. It all started with simple park board elections.


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